
Motivating Shannon entropy

How can we define information? One approach is to identify information with the way we transmit it: some sequence of characters.

Consider a set (alphabet) \(A = \{ x_1, \ldots, x_n \} \) and suppose we form some sequence out of the elements (letters). Let's say that for the sequences that are of interest to us, each letter occurs with probability \(p_i\) with no correlation between letters.

Our end goal is to associate the information contained in a sequence by the number of bits required to identify that sequence. To make progress, we need to ask: How many sequences are there of length \( T \)?

Let's take \(T\) to be large enough such that each letter appears \(Tp_i\) times in the sequence. The number of sequences \(K\) is given by the number of different orderings of \(Tp_i \) number of \(x_i \)'s,

$$ K = {T\choose Tp_1}{T-Tp_1\choose Tp_2}\cdots{T-\cdots-Tp_{n-1}\choose Tp_n} = \frac{T!}{\prod_{i=1}^n (Tp_i)!}. $$

Now, let's index each sequence with a binary sequence. Clearly, for large \(K\) we will need \(\log_2 (K) \) digits. In terms of the \( p_i \):

$$ \log_2 (K) = \log_2 (T!) - \sum_{i=1}^n \log_2 ((Tp_i)!). $$

With Stirling's approximation,

$$ \log_2(K) \approx T\log_2 T - T \log_2 e - \sum_{i=1}^n ( Tp_i\log_2(Tp_i) - Tp_i \log_2 e ) = -T \sum_{i=1}^n p_i \log_2 p_i. $$

As stated above, this is the number of bits required to identify a sequence of length \(T \), which we identify as the information contained in said sequence. This is Shannon information.

The above argument is applied similarly in context of statistical physics to obtain the Gibbs entropy, which has the same form as Shannon entropy (information) except \(\log_2 \) is replaced with \( \ln \), which amounts to measuring information in different units.