Pricing of vanilla options
I will present the simplest way to obtain the prices for vanilla put and call options in the Black-Scholes modes. The trick is to use expectation pricing with optimal choice of numeraire.
Choice of numeraire: recall that no-arbitrage is equivalent to demanding all assets denominated with respect to the riskless bond are martingales. Instead of requiring for all assets that \( A/B \) is a martingale, one can equivalently measure values in units of stock instead of the bond, and demand that all \(A/S\) are martingales. The process that one denominates with respect to is called the numeraire, and one is free to choose it.
Call option
A vanilla call option on stock \(S\) with strike \(K\) and expiry \(T\) is defined by the pay-off at \(T\):
where \(1_{S_T\geq K}\) is the indicator function. Let us denote the numeraire as \(N\). Then, the martingale property implies:
where all expectations are taken in the appropriate risk-neutral measure. The key point here is that we can treat the two terms separately and choose different numeraires for each. First, consider the second term. As \(K\) is a constant, it makes sense to choose the riskless bond as numeraire. In the bond numeraire risk-neutral measure, the stock follows the process:
where we took an Ito integral to obtain \(S_T\). The contribution of the second term then takes the form:
In terms of the cumulative normal distribution function \(\Phi(x)\), we have
For the first term, we choose \(S_t\) as numeraire, and to determine the risk-neutral measure we demand \(B/S\) to be a driftless process. In the real-world measure:
and therefore in the risk-neutral measure:
Evaluating the first expectation yields the following contribution to the call price:
Putting everything together, one obtains:
Put option
This is straightforward to deduce from the call option, the pay-off at expiry is:
and so