Vanilla Greeks
Here I present a derivation of all vanilla call Greeks, and show how to obtain the put Greeks from put-call parity. Recall the Black-Scholes call price (with dividend rate \(d\)):
C = e^{-dT} S \Phi(a_+) - e^{-rT} K \Phi(a_-), \quad \text{where} \quad a_{\pm} = \frac{\log(S/K) + (r - d \pm \sigma^2 /2) T}{\sigma \sqrt{T}},
and where \( \Phi(x) = (2\pi)^{-1/2} \int_{-\infty}^x e^{-u^2/2} du \) is the cumulative normal function.
The put price is similar:
P = e^{-rT} K \Phi(-a_-) - e^{-dT}S \Phi(-a_+).
Finally, recall the put-call parity: the prices of a call option \(C\), put option \(P\) and a forward contract\(F\), with the same expiry and strike, are related as follows:
C - P = F, \quad \text{where} \quad F = e^{-dT} S - e^{-rT} K.
Call Delta: \( \Delta_C \equiv \partial C / \partial S \). Simply differentiate, noting that \(a_{\pm}\) have \(S\) dependence.
\Delta_C &= \pdv{}{S}\left[ e^{-dT}S \Phi(a_+) - e^{-rT} K \Phi(a_-) \right] \\
&= e^{-dT} \Phi(a_+) + e^{-dT} S \Phi'(a_+) \pdv{a_+}{S} - e^{-rT} K \Phi'(a_-) \pdv{a_-}{S} \\
&= e^{-dT} \Phi(a_+) + \frac{e^{-dT} e^{-a_+^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} - \frac{K}{S} \frac{e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}},
where we used \(\Phi'(x) = \displaystyle\frac{e^{-x^2/2}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\) and \(\displaystyle\pdv{a_{\pm}}{S} = \frac{1}{S\sigma\sqrt{T}}\).
Put Delta: \(\Delta_P \equiv \partial P / \partial S\). Differentiating the put-call parity with respect to \(S\) yields:
\pdv{C}{S} - \pdv{P}{S} = \pdv{F}{S} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \Delta_C - \Delta_P = e^{-dT} \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \Delta_P = \Delta_C - e^{-dT}.
Call Gamma: \( \Gamma_C \equiv \partial^2 C / \partial S^2 = \partial \Delta_C / \partial S \). Again, simply differentiate the Delta:
\Gamma_C &= \pdv{}{S} \left[e^{-dT} \Phi(a_+) + \frac{e^{-dT} e^{-a_+^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} - \frac{K}{S} \frac{e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}}\right] \\
&= e^{-dT} \Phi'(a_+) \pdv{a_+}{S} + \frac{e^{-dT} e^{-a_+^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} (-a_+) \pdv{a_+}{S} + \frac{K}{S^2} \frac{e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} - \frac{K}{S} \frac{e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2 / 2}}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} (-a_-) \pdv{a_-}{S} \\
&= \frac{1}{S\sigma\sqrt{2\pi T}} \left[ e^{-dT} e^{-a_+^2 / 2} - \frac{a_+ e^{-dT} e^{-a_+^2/2}}{\sigma\sqrt{T}} + \frac{K}{S} e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2/2} + \frac{K}{S} \frac{a_- e^{-rT} e^{-a_-^2/2}}{\sigma\sqrt{T}} \right].
Put Gamma: differentiating the put-call parity twice with respect to \(S\) yields \( \Gamma_P = \Gamma_C \).
Call Vega (Kappa): \(\kappa_C \equiv \partial C / \partial\sigma\). Let us define the pair:
b_{\pm} \equiv \pdv{a_{\pm}}{\sigma} = -\frac{a_{\pm}}{\sigma} \pm \sqrt T.
Then, the call Vega (Kappa) is simply:
\kappa_C = e^{-dT} S \Phi'(a_+) b_+ - e^{-rT} K \Phi'(a_-) b_-.
Put Vega (Kappa): differentiating the put-call parity with respect to volatility yields
\pdv{C}{\sigma} - \pdv{P}{\sigma} = \pdv{F}{\sigma} = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad \kappa_P = \kappa_C.
Call Rho: \(\rho_C \equiv \partial C / \partial r.\)
\rho_C &= e^{-dT} S \Phi'(a_+) \pdv{a_+}{r} + T e^{-rT} K \Phi(a_-) - e^{-rT} K \Phi'(a_-) \pdv{a_-}{r} \\
&= \frac{\sqrt{T}}{\sigma} \left[ e^{-dT} S \Phi'(a_+) - e^{-rT} K \Phi'(a_-) \right] + T e^{-rT} K \Phi(a_-).
Put Rho: differentiate the put-call parity with respect to \(r\):
\pdv{C}{r} - \pdv{P}{r} = \pdv{F}{r} = T e^{-rT} K \quad \Rightarrow \quad \rho_P = \rho_C - T e^{-rT} K.
Call Theta: this is the time derivative of the call price, which is equivalent to minus the expiry derivative, \(\theta_C \equiv - \partial C / \partial T\). Let us define the pair
c_\pm \equiv \pdv{a_\pm}{T} = -\frac{1}{2} \frac{\log S/K}{\sigma T^{3/2}} + \frac{1}{2} \frac{(r-d\pm \sigma^2/2)}{\sigma\sqrt{T}}.
\theta_C = de^{-dT}S\Phi(a_+) - re^{-rT}K\Phi(a_-) - e^{-dT}S\Phi'(a_+) c_+ + e^{-rT} K \Phi'(a_-) c_-.
Put Theta: \(\theta_P \equiv -\partial P / \partial T\).
\pdv{C}{T} - \pdv{P}{T} = \pdv{F}{T} = -de^{-dT}S + re^{-rT}K \quad \Rightarrow \quad \theta_P = \theta_C -de^{-dT}S + re^{-rT}K.